All about Shirley Temple |
Shirley Temple Information
In the 1930's, Shirley Temple was the most famous person in the world, even more recognizable than the president. Because of this, many products came out in her image, the most famous of those being the Shirley Temple dolls. Shirley's popularity continues even until the present day, and there are ever more products made in her image. This portion of the website outlines all the Shirley Temple dolls that have been, from the 1930's through present day, and also covers just a small amount of the other Shirley Temple collectibles.
Also, if you ever feel like talking about Shirley Temple dolls and collectibles, be sure to visit the
message board forum. It is a great place to meet other Shirley Temple fans
Shirley Temple dolls have been produced on and off for the last 72+ years. Often times, when I mention that I collect Shirley Temple dolls in a conversation, at least one of the people that I'm talking to says that they also have a Shirley Temple doll, but they don't know anything about when it was made or how much it is worth. In fact, a lot of you are here in order to find out more about your Shirley Temple dolls. Here is a way for you to identify and find out more information about the Shirley Temple doll that you have. Click here to identify your Shirley Temple doll!
Recommended book:
This section lists all of the Shirley Temple dolls ever made. It describes the dolls, and also gives approximate prices along with pictures of the different types of doll molds. Using this feature and the Identify your dolls section (above) should allow you to determine whether or not you have a Shirley Temple doll and what the approximate value of the doll is.
Click here to see a listing of all of the Shirley Temple dolls ever made. |
No two Shirley Temple dolls look alike! Not only do the dolls have distinctly different characteristics, but even the size itself varied from year to year, and mold to mold, and design to design...The characteristics listed below are observed from the dolls shown above, they may vary doll to doll and size to size. Click here see the different composition doll molds.
As the Shirley Temple doll mold was modified, so were the markings on the back of the Shirley Temple doll, Click here to see how the markings changed during the doll production run.
Most likely, you are here because you love Shirley Temple. One of the best ways to remember Shirley is by collecting Shirley Temple memorabilia. I collect mainly the compo Shirley Temple dolls, and I also have many of the Danbury Mint dolls. Other people focus on collecting vinyl dolls, paper products, or so many of the various Shirley Temple collectors items out there. If you have a Shirley Temple collection, this is the place to show it off!! I (along with many of the other collectors on this site) would love to see your Shirley Temple collection. This is a place for you to show off your Shirley Temple dolls and collectibles. If you have a doll that you love, or a Shirley Temple story that you want to share, this is the place to post the pictres and share the stories. This is part of the Shirley Temple forum, we look forward to hearing all about it!!
Click here to show off your collection, and to see everyone else's Shirley Temple collection.
This section is designed to help you fix up your Shirley Temple dolls. Though there are some people who can afford the most expensive minty Shirley Temple dolls, most of us are not in that position. I certainly am not. I try to get the nicest dolls that I can. I focus on the face, and try to get dolls that don't have a lot of crazing and that don't have facial paint bubbling. Anything else, I can either fix, or I dont mind too much to begin with. In this section, I, along with other collectors list the "quick fixes" that have worked for us. Click here to view the quick fixes, or to add some of your own.
Though my favorite Shirley Temple collectibles are the Shirley Temple dolls. There were literally thousands of other Shirley Temple collectibles produced. This includes everything from paper dolls to sheet music, buttons to bows, purses, hats, shoes, tea sets, glassware, and so much more. Click here to see a pictures and descriptions of many of the Shirley Temple collectibles that have been produced over the years. Please note: This is not a complete listing...covering all of them is beyond the scope of this website, however, just about everything is listed in my Shirley Temple book.
Many Shirley Temple images are copyright Twentieth Century Fox. |